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TMR Semi-Annual No. 2
With the ever-growing divide of black men and black women, we here at The Minority Report have decided to concentrate on the part of our interpersonal relationship that is sorely lacking: balance. We explore our different issues in articles like "Soft Power: A Queen's Virtue" and "Wu Wei: Nothing Unnatural", but also take a measured step in reminding us that our dynamic together is much more valuable than apart in "The Balance of Being Us". Share our points of view in the last issue of 2023.

TMR Semi-Annual No. 1
The first issue of 2023 is ready for your consumption and we here at TMR couldn't be more excited. This semi-annual issue tackles the growing rise in black men leaving the country in the main article, "Exodus", plus we finish the Dispelling the Disney Delusion series with "The Quasimodo Conundrum" and "Belle's Special Love". Having trouble communicating with your significant other? We may have figured out why in "The Homonym Problem". To round it all off, we have an article that could help the community do an about-face by exploring three main facets: Biology, Culture, and Environment that affects us in ways we don't fully understand in "Biocultirons".
We'll see you again in December when the 2nd issue of the year comes out. So until then remember here at The Minority Report, it's about my voice, your voice, it's about our voices: amplified.